Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Diamidov and Geinger

Well folks.. a quick update -

We have plenty of video incoming, so Im going to try to update as often as possible. Here are two of the highlights from this week, and there are more to point out for observation. If you havent been posted yet - dont fret! Im working on getting everyone.

Remeber - no names on comments please. To reference someone, say the skill name and the number they are in order if relevant. As always, constructive criticism, or your post will be deleted.




ryan said...

So.. sorry about the comments in the first video. Ill try to find another way to make them visible - I tried to make them seamless, but alas!! Cant resize video on blogger!!

Basically.. Diamidov 1 - closing your hips trying to get toes upward. Instead, focus on a nice tight hollow swing, and you will get your feet going up with a powerful front swing.

Diamidov 2 - head is WAY WAY up making you arch. If we can clean up the handstand, it should prevent you from falling backwards, and over-rotating the skills. It will also be easier to catch.

banzai said...

Diami 1: I think finishing in the handstand is going to be more about shifting the post arm's lean forward and opening the shoulder angle and LESS about arching the heels to compensate. Post looks good but could be stronger; don't just hold your body weight--PUSH against it.

Diami 2: Good thing you're a good twister you freak! The Diami's I've seen are smooth, flowing things that ride the post arm a long time. It looks like you're ripping the twist to get through the trick--making it more about speed than about power and control. Trust your post arm more; that's where all your strength and stability come from.

banzai said...

Gienger: wow, nice start! I think control will come from staying tight in the air. I've seen tons and tons of giengers at NCAA meets and they all have both tight legs AND, more importantly, that tight hollow angle. It's almost like their bodies don't move at all after they let go of the bar.

Your legs and the hollow are like your rudder. You can't steer a ship with a loose, noodly rudder.

Otherwise the body position and especially the arms look good. Everything is just about right where you'd want them to be. Cool stuff!

Rick McCharles said...

I just subscribed to your blog by RSS, Ryan.

Keep up the good work.


banzai said...

See if these pics help the guys visualize the trick--start here:

Diami series

And keep clicking next.

I think I have other series in that gallery and probably in the "pt 1" gallery that precedes it.